Thought-Provoking Thursday!
Hi Everyone!
I have been absent from blogging lately. So sorry! It can be so hard to keep up. The positive side, though, is that my life is SO full (of life, not food) that I haven’t been making blogging a priority.
Remembering what a philosophy professor of mine once said, if you become complacent and don’t maintain X, then it will eventually break down. If you think about it, recovery is like that. There are daily choices we can make to enhance our recovery. At other times, we may find ourselves stuck, or in a rut. Maybe it’s a bout of complacency. Maybe fear. Maybe we want to sit in the pain a little more before we make a change. It can be so many things.
As for my lack of blogging, I allowed being busy and procrastination to get in the way. And that’s just NOT okay!! SOOOO, as a re-commitment to myself and my blog, I am going to do a daily post (except Saturday—I need one day off!). Each day of the week will have a theme. I’m making them up right now. Here are the themes:
Motivation Mondays: Postson, you guessed it, MOTIVATION and recovery:)
Tranquil Tuesdays: Conquering fear in recovery and ways to self-soothe:)
Workout Wednesdays: Working out barriers in recovery AND skills to practice that will help build muscles for recovery:) We have to make it strong!
Thought-Provoking Thursdays: Posts that will (hopefully) make you think:)
Freedom, Favorites, and Fun Fridays: Posts about anything in recovery!
Serene Sundays: Finding peace in recovery:) I know I used Thought-Provoking Thursdays to work organize my blog posts, however, maybe you can think about how complacency fits into your life and recovery. What is holding you back from taking the next challenge in your recovery? Happy Thursday! Glad to be back!!!!